[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Mastering TypeScript - 2023 Edition
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1fbb43202d88a3d075348828497b905619334761&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Mastering TypeScript - 2023 Edition
4.21 GB
2023-10-19 03:32
2024-12-25 22:49
1. Introduction/2. Welcome & Course Overview.mp4 12 MB
1. Introduction/3. Course Prerequisites.mp4 6.29 MB
1. Introduction/4. The Case For TypeScript.mp4 29.9 MB
1. Introduction/5. TypeScript Overview.mp4 26.96 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/1. Compiling to JavaScript.mp4 49.03 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/2. Watch Mode.mp4 13.42 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/3. Working With Multiple Files.mp4 24.98 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/4. The Files Compiler Option.mp4 30.14 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/5. Include & Exclude Options.mp4 47.87 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/6. Outdir Option.mp4 15.24 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/7. Target Option.mp4 23.69 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/8. Strict Option.mp4 47.61 MB
10. The TypeScript Compiler/9. Compiler Options Wrap Up.mp4 28.87 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/1. A Simple Project Setup.mp4 39.55 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/10. Connecting to LocalStorage.mp4 51.47 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/11. Todo List Finishing Touches.mp4 45.59 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/2. Working With The DOM.mp4 63.3 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/3. The Lib Compiler Option.mp4 69.57 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/4. TypeScript's Non-Null Assertion Operator.mp4 32.85 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/5. Type Assertions.mp4 12.82 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/6. Type Assertions With the DOM.mp4 53.63 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/7. Working With Events.mp4 36.57 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/8. Building The Todo List.mp4 45.7 MB
11. Mini Project The DOM, Type Assertions, and More!/9. Adding in an Interface.mp4 37.52 MB
12. Classes/1. Classes Setup.mp4 23.95 MB
12. Classes/10. The Dreaded Super().mp4 35.86 MB
12. Classes/2. The Class Keyword.mp4 22.34 MB
12. Classes/3. Constructors.mp4 22.63 MB
12. Classes/4. Class Fields.mp4 25.58 MB
12. Classes/5. Private Fields.mp4 45.35 MB
12. Classes/6. Getters.mp4 23.03 MB
12. Classes/7. Setters.mp4 42.07 MB
12. Classes/8. Static Properties & Methods.mp4 27.46 MB
12. Classes/9. Extending Classes.mp4 26.14 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/1. Annotating Classes In TypeScript.mp4 27.56 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/1.1 TSClasses.ts 1.88 KB
13. TypeScript Classes/10. Creating Abstract Classes.mp4 59.58 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/2. Class Fields In TypeScript.mp4 12.17 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/3. readonly Class Properties.mp4 8.05 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/4. The public Modifier.mp4 11.69 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/5. The private Modifier.mp4 35.86 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/6. Parameter Properties Shorthand.mp4 21.18 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/7. Getters and Setters.mp4 32.89 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/8. The Protected Modifier.mp4 22.36 MB
13. TypeScript Classes/9. Classes and Interfaces.mp4 30.38 MB
14. Generics/1. Introducing Generics.mp4 24.6 MB
14. Generics/10. Writing Generic Classes.mp4 20.14 MB
14. Generics/2. Another Example Of A Built-In Generic.mp4 49.93 MB
14. Generics/3. Writing Our First Generic.mp4 39.94 MB
14. Generics/4. Writing Another Generic Function.mp4 29.81 MB
14. Generics/5. Inferred Generic Type Parameters.mp4 21.59 MB
14. Generics/6. Generics, Arrow Functions, & TSX Files.mp4 13.75 MB
14. Generics/7. Generics With Multiple Types.mp4 30.71 MB
14. Generics/8. Adding Type Constraints.mp4 33.85 MB
14. Generics/9. Default Type Parameters.mp4 17.7 MB
15. Type Narrowing/1. Typeof Guards.mp4 30.76 MB
15. Type Narrowing/1.1 narrowing.ts 2.89 KB
15. Type Narrowing/2. Truthiness Guards.mp4 28.72 MB
15. Type Narrowing/3. Equality Narrowing.mp4 18.56 MB
15. Type Narrowing/4. Narrowing With The In Operator.mp4 38.62 MB
15. Type Narrowing/5. Instanceof Narrowing.mp4 37.48 MB
15. Type Narrowing/6. Working With Type Predicates.mp4 38.04 MB
15. Type Narrowing/7. Discriminated Unions.mp4 73.97 MB
15. Type Narrowing/8. Exhaustiveness Checks With Never.mp4 36.89 MB
16. Working With Type Declarations/1. Introducing Type Declarations.mp4 44.41 MB
16. Working With Type Declarations/2. Using 3rd Party Libraries Axios.mp4 50.71 MB
16. Working With Type Declarations/3. Working With Axios Types.mp4 90.66 MB
16. Working With Type Declarations/4. Installing Types Separately.mp4 67.05 MB
17. Modules/1. A Note On Namespaces.mp4 34.34 MB
17. Modules/2. Working Without Modules.mp4 37.39 MB
17. Modules/3. Using TypeScript Modules.mp4 31.37 MB
17. Modules/4. Changing Compilation Module System.mp4 42.05 MB
17. Modules/5. ImportExport Syntax In Depth.mp4 37.04 MB
17. Modules/6. Importing Types.mp4 34.28 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/1. What's The Point Of Webpack.mp4 19.81 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/2. Setting Up a Project.mp4 85.16 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/3. Installing Webpack Dependencies.mp4 29.71 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/4. Basic Webpack Config.mp4 78.05 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/5. Adding Source Maps.mp4 20.12 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/6. Webpack Dev Server.mp4 35.72 MB
18. Webpack & TypeScript/7. Production Configuration.mp4 59.2 MB
19. React & TypeScript/1. React & TypeScript Introduction.mp4 29.55 MB
19. React & TypeScript/10. Updating The State.mp4 25.64 MB
19. React & TypeScript/11. Finishing Touches.mp4 40.69 MB
19. React & TypeScript/12. React + TypeScript Wrapup.mp4 21.46 MB
19. React & TypeScript/2. Create React App With TypeScript.mp4 67.22 MB
19. React & TypeScript/3. Our First Component.mp4 42.36 MB
19. React & TypeScript/4. A Note on React.FC.mp4 19.46 MB
19. React & TypeScript/5. Props With TypeScript.mp4 25.31 MB
19. React & TypeScript/6. Creating Our ShoppingList Component.mp4 56.63 MB
19. React & TypeScript/7. useState With TypeScript.mp4 39.54 MB
19. React & TypeScript/8. Creating Our ShoppingItem Form.mp4 24.99 MB
19. React & TypeScript/9. useRef With TypeScript.mp4 60.67 MB
2. Installation & Setup/1. Installing TypeScript.mp4 22.83 MB
2. Installation & Setup/2. The TypeScript Playground.mp4 23.38 MB
2. Installation & Setup/3. Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 10.91 MB
2. Installation & Setup/4. How We Use TypeScript.mp4 23.76 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/1. Our First Type Annotation.mp4 14.62 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/1.1 variables.ts 868 字节
3. Type Annotation Basics/2. Working With Numbers & Booleans.mp4 9.02 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/4. Compiling TypeScript.mp4 18.31 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/5. Type Inference.mp4 14.04 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/6. The Any Type.mp4 9.65 MB
3. Type Annotation Basics/7. Delayed Initialization & Implicit Any.mp4 19.16 MB
4. Functions/1. Function Parameter Annotations.mp4 21.77 MB
4. Functions/1.1 functions.ts 844 字节
4. Functions/10. Function Types EXERCISE.mp4 42.18 MB
4. Functions/10.1 functionsExercise.ts 967 字节
4. Functions/10.2 functionsExerciseSOLUTION.ts 1.47 KB
4. Functions/3. More On Function Parameter Annotations.mp4 11.07 MB
4. Functions/4. Working With Default Parameters.mp4 10.14 MB
4. Functions/5. Return Type Annotations.mp4 33.78 MB
4. Functions/6. Anonymous Function Contextual Typing.mp4 12.73 MB
4. Functions/7. The Void Type.mp4 9.9 MB
4. Functions/9. The Never Type.mp4 16.76 MB
5. Object Types/1. Working With Object Types.mp4 17.02 MB
5. Object Types/1.1 objects.ts 2.07 KB
5. Object Types/10. Object Types EXERCISE.mp4 44.81 MB
5. Object Types/10.1 objectsExercise.ts 752 字节
5. Object Types/10.2 objectsExerciseSOLUTION.ts 1.37 KB
5. Object Types/2. More Object Types.mp4 15.9 MB
5. Object Types/3. Excess Properties.mp4 19.16 MB
5. Object Types/5. Creating Type Aliases.mp4 27.91 MB
5. Object Types/6. Nested Objects.mp4 50.78 MB
5. Object Types/7. Optional Properties.mp4 11.76 MB
5. Object Types/8. The readonly Modifier.mp4 12.61 MB
5. Object Types/9. Intersection Types.mp4 21.58 MB
6. Array Types/1. Working With Array Types.mp4 16.58 MB
6. Array Types/1.1 arrays.ts 468 字节
6. Array Types/2. More Array Syntax.mp4 13.32 MB
6. Array Types/3. Multidimensional Arrays.mp4 8.47 MB
6. Array Types/4. Array Types EXERCISE.mp4 37.45 MB
6. Array Types/4.1 arraysExercise.ts 1.03 KB
6. Array Types/4.2 arraysExerciseSOLUTION.ts 1.29 KB
7. Union Types/1. Introducing Union Types.mp4 19.29 MB
7. Union Types/1.1 unionTypes.ts 1.15 KB
7. Union Types/2. Type Narrowing w Union Types.mp4 45.5 MB
7. Union Types/3. Union Types and Arrays.mp4 23.63 MB
7. Union Types/4. Literal Types.mp4 24.16 MB
7. Union Types/5. Union Types EXERCISE.mp4 65 MB
7. Union Types/5.1 unionsExercise.ts 1.92 KB
7. Union Types/5.2 unionsExerciseSOLUTION.ts 2.55 KB
8. Tuples and Enums/1. Introducing Tuples.mp4 16.46 MB
8. Tuples and Enums/1.1 tuplesEnums.ts 751 字节
8. Tuples and Enums/2. A Bit More On Tuples.mp4 33.83 MB
8. Tuples and Enums/4. Introducing Enums.mp4 30.06 MB
8. Tuples and Enums/5. A Bit More On Enums!.mp4 18.58 MB
8. Tuples and Enums/6. Enums Behind The Scenes.mp4 33.18 MB
9. Interfaces/1. Introducing Interfaces.mp4 17.53 MB
9. Interfaces/1.1 interfaces.ts 1.74 KB
9. Interfaces/2. Readonly and Optional Interface Properties.mp4 11.31 MB
9. Interfaces/3. Interface Methods.mp4 15.72 MB
9. Interfaces/4. Interface Method Parameters.mp4 22.73 MB
9. Interfaces/6. Reopening Interfaces.mp4 12.68 MB
9. Interfaces/7. Extending Interfaces.mp4 20.05 MB
9. Interfaces/8. Interface Multiple Inheritance.mp4 21.57 MB
9. Interfaces/9. Interfaces Vs. Type Aliases.mp4 20.55 MB