Lynda C++ Game Programming 1
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:207cf881bbc7817ee4cae5ba00b4f6affa852737&dn=Lynda C++ Game Programming 1
754.21 MB
2019-9-14 11:22
2025-2-25 13:08
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/35.Building player - The first class.mp4 40.91 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/01.The course overview.mp4 17.26 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/02.The games, C++, and SFML.mp4 10.83 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/03.Setting up the development environment.mp4 15.24 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/04.Planning Timber!!! and creating a project from the template.mp4 7.05 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/05.Adding project assets and understanding coordinates.mp4 8.64 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/06.Starting to code the game.mp4 14.9 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/07.Opening a window using SFML.mp4 11.06 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/08.The main game loop.mp4 15.27 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/09.Drawing the game background.mp4 11.86 MB
1.1. C++, SFML, Visual Studio, and Starting the First Game/10.Handling errors.mp4 5.02 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/11.C++ variables.mp4 9.56 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/12.Manipulating variables.mp4 4.26 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/13.Adding clouds, a tree, and a buzzing bee.mp4 12.29 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/14.Random numbers.mp4 4.16 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/15.Making decisions with if and else.mp4 6.89 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/16.Timing.mp4 6.7 MB
2.2. Variables, Operators, and Decisions/17.Moving the clouds and the bee.mp4 16.83 MB
3.3. C++ Strings, SFML Time, Player Input, and HUD/18.Pausing and restarting the game.mp4 10.44 MB
3.3. C++ Strings, SFML Time, Player Input, and HUD/19.C++ strings, SFML text, and gont.mp4 4.67 MB
3.3. C++ Strings, SFML Time, Player Input, and HUD/20.Adding a score and a message.mp4 14.95 MB
3.3. C++ Strings, SFML Time, Player Input, and HUD/21.Adding a time bar.mp4 12.52 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/22.Loops.mp4 6.48 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/23.Arrays.mp4 5 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/24.Making decisions with switch.mp4 2.44 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/25.Class enumerations.mp4 2.92 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/26.Getting started with functions.mp4 14.02 MB
4.4. Loops, Arrays, Switch, Enumerations, and Functions/27.Growing the branches.mp4 17.77 MB
5.5. Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions/28.Preparing and drawing the player and other sprites.mp4 6.77 MB
5.5. Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions/29.Handling the player's input.mp4 19.29 MB
5.5. Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions/30.Handling death.mp4 4.18 MB
5.5. Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions/31.Simple sound FX.mp4 9.17 MB
5.5. Collisions, Sound, and End Conditions/32.Improving the game and the code.mp4 3.62 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/33.Planning and starting the zombie arena game.mp4 13.48 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/34.Object-oriented programming.mp4 23.2 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/36.Controlling the game camera with SFML view.mp4 6.38 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/37.Starting the Zombie Arena game engine.mp4 11.15 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/38.Managing the code files.mp4 3.62 MB
6.6. Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and SFML Views/39.Starting coding the main game loop.mp4 19.26 MB
7.7. C ++ References, Sprite Sheets, and Vertex Arrays/40.C++ references.mp4 9.46 MB
7.7. C ++ References, Sprite Sheets, and Vertex Arrays/41.SFML vertex arrays and sprite sheets.mp4 11.98 MB
7.7. C ++ References, Sprite Sheets, and Vertex Arrays/42.Creating a randomly generated scrolling background.mp4 17.15 MB
7.7. C ++ References, Sprite Sheets, and Vertex Arrays/43.Using the background.mp4 5.7 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/44.Getting started with pointers.mp4 12.39 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/45.Working with pointers.mp4 11.61 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/46.The Standard Template Library.mp4 11.73 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/47.The TextureHolder class.mp4 12.82 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/48.Building a horde of zombies.mp4 24.47 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/49.Creating a horde and bringing it back to life.mp4 26.59 MB
8.8. Pointers, the Standard Template Library, and Texture Management/50.Using the TextureHolder class for all textures.mp4 6.84 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/51.Coding the bullet class.mp4 24.92 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/52.Making the bullets fly.mp4 22.58 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/53.Giving the player a crosshair.mp4 8.55 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/54.Coding a class for pickups.mp4 25.75 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/55.Using the pickup class.mp4 10.59 MB
9.9. Collision Detection, Pickups, and Bullets/56.Detecting collisions.mp4 20.45 MB
10.10. Layering Views and Implementing the HUD/57.Adding all the text and HUD objects.mp4 12.2 MB
10.10. Layering Views and Implementing the HUD/58.Updating the HUD each frame.mp4 10.17 MB
10.10. Layering Views and Implementing the HUD/59.Drawing the HUD, the home, and level-up screens.mp4 7.91 MB
11.11. Sound Effects, File I_O, and Finishing the Game/60.Saving and loading the high score.mp4 7.98 MB
11.11. Sound Effects, File I_O, and Finishing the Game/61.Preparing sound effects.mp4 3.82 MB
11.11. Sound Effects, File I_O, and Finishing the Game/62.Leveling up.mp4 5.88 MB
11.11. Sound Effects, File I_O, and Finishing the Game/63.Restarting the game.mp4 2.41 MB
11.11. Sound Effects, File I_O, and Finishing the Game/64.Playing the rest of the sounds.mp4 10.19 MB