[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Kotlin Language Fundamentals and Basics
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2cc52334a0f5f03e02df0880597355304ba4b362&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Kotlin Language Fundamentals and Basics
876.42 MB
2020-10-6 02:46
2025-2-27 19:23
1. Kotlin Overview/1. Kotlin Overview. Is Java Dead.mp4 9.24 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/1. Class Definition, init Block, Properties and Primary Constructor.mp4 20.51 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/2. Secondary Constructor.mp4 14.23 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/3. Inheritance Explained.mp4 12.15 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/4. Demo Inheritance with Example.mp4 15.39 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/5. Overriding Properties and Methods.mp4 23.34 MB
10. Object Oriented Programming/6. Role of Primary and Secondary Constructors in Inheritance.mp4 22.12 MB
11. Object Oriented Programming Continues/1. Visibility Modifiers Public, Protected, Internal and Private.mp4 18.12 MB
11. Object Oriented Programming Continues/2. Abstract Classes, Methods and Properties.mp4 23.85 MB
11. Object Oriented Programming Continues/3. Interface.mp4 41.04 MB
11. Object Oriented Programming Continues/4. Data Class.mp4 14.59 MB
12. Companion Object/1. 'object' declaration Alternative to Static in Java.mp4 22.04 MB
12. Companion Object/2. Companion Object.mp4 7.13 MB
13. Lambdas and High Level Functions Kotlin as a Functional Language/1. Lambdas and High Level Functions.mp4 38.92 MB
13. Lambdas and High Level Functions Kotlin as a Functional Language/2. More on Lambdas and High Level Functions.mp4 24.13 MB
13. Lambdas and High Level Functions Kotlin as a Functional Language/3. Closures.mp4 8.16 MB
13. Lambdas and High Level Functions Kotlin as a Functional Language/4. it The Implicit Name for Single Parameter in Lambda.mp4 9.79 MB
13. Lambdas and High Level Functions Kotlin as a Functional Language/5. with and apply.mp4 8.41 MB
14. Collections List, Map Arrays and Sets/1. Arrays In Kotlin and Introduction to Collections.mp4 20.24 MB
14. Collections List, Map Arrays and Sets/2. List and ArrayList Mutable and Immutable.mp4 23.49 MB
14. Collections List, Map Arrays and Sets/3. Map and HashMap.mp4 21.16 MB
14. Collections List, Map Arrays and Sets/4. Set and HashSet.mp4 14.64 MB
15. Checking out Practical Usage of Lambdas in Collections/1. Using Lambdas with Collections Filtering and Sorting.mp4 27.65 MB
15. Checking out Practical Usage of Lambdas in Collections/2. Predicates all, any, count and find methods.mp4 21.51 MB
16. Start Developing Android Apps using Kotlin/1. Android Studio Setup for Kotlin.mp4 8.54 MB
16. Start Developing Android Apps using Kotlin/2. Create and Run Your First Android App using Kotlin.mp4 12.98 MB
17. Conclusion/1. What Next.mp4 1.02 MB
2. Software Installation/1. Kotlin Setup for Windows Installing Java JDK.mp4 14.39 MB
2. Software Installation/2. Kotlin Setup for Windows Install INTELLIJ IDEA.mp4 8.7 MB
2. Software Installation/2.1 1.2 Kotlin Setup Installing INTELLIJ IDEA for Windows.mp4.mp4 24.13 MB
2. Software Installation/3. Kotlin Setup for Mac OSX Installing Java JDK.mp4 8.26 MB
2. Software Installation/4. Kotlin Setup for MacOSX Install INTELLIJ IDEA.mp4 6.39 MB
3. Your First App in Kotlin/1. Writing your first Kotlin Code Hello World.mp4 19.97 MB
3. Your First App in Kotlin/2. Hello World How it internally works.mp4 17.52 MB
4. Kotlin Basics and Syntax/1. Comments in Kotlin.mp4 3.52 MB
4. Kotlin Basics and Syntax/2. Variable and Data Types Overview.mp4 6.95 MB
4. Kotlin Basics and Syntax/3. Overview of Functions, Classes and String Interpolation.mp4 16.89 MB
4. Kotlin Basics and Syntax/4. More on Functions, Classes and String Interpolation.mp4 9.02 MB
5. Getting Started with Kotlin/1. Using REPL for Kotlin Programming.mp4 12.67 MB
5. Getting Started with Kotlin/2. Overview of Data Types Variables and Constants.mp4 10.04 MB
5. Getting Started with Kotlin/3. Let's Explore Data Types in Intellij IDEA.mp4 9.1 MB
5. Getting Started with Kotlin/4. String Templates Concept of Interpolation.mp4 14.8 MB
5. Getting Started with Kotlin/5. Ranges.mp4 11.27 MB
6. Conditional Statements and Expressions/1. IF as Expression.mp4 7.79 MB
6. Conditional Statements and Expressions/2. WHEN as Expression.mp4 16.99 MB
7. Iterators or Loops/1. Overview.mp4 5.12 MB
7. Iterators or Loops/2. FOR Loop.mp4 8.36 MB
7. Iterators or Loops/3. WHILE Loop.mp4 8 MB
7. Iterators or Loops/4. DO WHILE Loop.mp4 7.71 MB
8. Loop Control Statements/1. BREAK Statements with Labeled FOR Loop.mp4 9.59 MB
8. Loop Control Statements/2. CONTINUE Statements with Labeled FOR Loop.mp4 10.11 MB
9. Functions/1. Functions Basics and Syntax.mp4 12.78 MB
9. Functions/2. Functions as Expressions.mp4 11.67 MB
9. Functions/3. Interoperability How Kotlin Code is Compiled.mp4 8.35 MB
9. Functions/4. Interoperability How to call Kotlin functions from Java File and vice-versa.mp4 21.93 MB
9. Functions/5. Default Functions Using @JvmOverloads for Interoperability.mp4 13.51 MB
9. Functions/6. Named Parameters.mp4 7.87 MB
9. Functions/7. Extension Functions.mp4 24.72 MB
9. Functions/8. Infix Function.mp4 9.21 MB
9. Functions/9. Tailrec Function Use Recursion in Optimised way.mp4 14.71 MB