[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React, Redux, & Enzyme - Introducing Apps & Tests
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6c4e380c4bf1a558c7f3d442f443f171769abec5&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React, Redux, & Enzyme - Introducing Apps & Tests
1.19 GB
2023-1-26 23:13
2025-2-28 08:38
1. Introducing the Course/1. What to Expect from the Course.mp4 3.4 MB
1. Introducing the Course/2. Getting a Code Editor.mp4 7.53 MB
1. Introducing the Course/3. Installing Node and React Tools.mp4 12.09 MB
1. Introducing the Course/4. Source Code for the Course.mp4 1.67 MB
10. Conclusion and Final Remarks/1. Congratulations and Final Remarks.mp4 2.17 MB
2. Understanding React/1. Understanding React Part 1.mp4 3.84 MB
2. Understanding React/2. Understanding React Part 2.mp4 4.41 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/1. Previewing NoteToSelf.mp4 1.74 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/10. ES6 Arrow Functions.mp4 11.69 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/11. Creating a List of Notes.mp4 14.36 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/12. ES6 Destructuring Objects.mp4 7.58 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/13. Introducing Props with a Note Component.mp4 14.41 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/14. React Lifecycle Methods and SFCookies.mp4 17.81 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/2. ES6 Class Definitions.mp4 15.8 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/3. ES6 Class Inheritance & Template Strings.mp4 17.94 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/4. Setting Up NoteToSelf.mp4 15.47 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/5. Rendering JSX onto the DOM.mp4 10.46 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/6. Creating an App Component ES6 Imports and Exports.mp4 15.12 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/7. React Essentials State.mp4 3.02 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/8. Building a Bootstrap Form.mp4 11.34 MB
3. React & ES6 App NoteToSelf/9. Introducing State into the Form.mp4 18.67 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/1. Why You Should Write Tests.mp4 4.53 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/2. Setting Up the Testing Environment.mp4 5.01 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/4. Testing the Note Component.mp4 21.55 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/5. ES6 Spread Operator for Spread Attributes.mp4 10 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/6. Testing the App Component.mp4 22.64 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/7. Testing Form Behavior.mp4 27.71 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/8. Testing the Cookies.mp4 15.66 MB
4. Testing NoteToSelf with Jest and Enzyme/9. Reporting Test Coverage.mp4 7.48 MB
5. Understanding Redux/1. Understanding Redux.mp4 4.52 MB
5. Understanding Redux/2. Understanding Redux Visually.mp4 5.37 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/1. Previewing FlashcardPro.mp4 3.29 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/10. Creating Card Components.mp4 9.14 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/11. Styling and Revealing Card Answers.mp4 33.36 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/12. Loading Stacks.mp4 29.06 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/13. Creating a Stack Form.mp4 31.01 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/14. Building Cards in the Stack Form.mp4 36.02 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/15. Adding a New Stack.mp4 17.92 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/2. Setting Up FlashcardPro.mp4 13.71 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/3. Loading the StackList.mp4 18.58 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/4. Introducing React-Router and Linking to Stacks.mp4 20.81 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/5. Redux Action setStack.mp4 10.42 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/6. Redux Reducer Setting the Stacks.mp4 16.35 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/7. Creating the Redux Store.mp4 15.79 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/8. Setting the Stack and Binding Action Creators.mp4 25.52 MB
6. React App Two with Redux FlashcardPro/9. Connecting the Stack Component.mp4 20.03 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/1. Shallow Rendering the App Component.mp4 24.08 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/10. Test Coverage and Why Tests Save Lives.mp4 12.4 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/11. Bonus Advanced React Stateless Functional Components.mp4 11.96 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/2. Fixtures and Testing the Stack Component.mp4 29.06 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/3. Testing the StackList Challenge.mp4 15.21 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/4. Testing the Rendering StackForm Challenge.mp4 29.45 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/5. Simulating Behavior and Testing the StackForm Part 1.mp4 26.65 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/6. Simulating Behavior and Testing the StackForm Part 2.mp4 27.63 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/7. Testing the Card Challenge.mp4 30.99 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/8. Testing the Redux Actions in FlashcardPro.mp4 19.46 MB
7. Testing FlashcardPro with Jest and Enzyme/9. Testing the Redux Reducers in FlashcardPro.mp4 30.19 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/1. Previewing Jeopardy.mp4 3.45 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/10. Creating a Clue Component.mp4 27.82 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/2. Setting Up Jeopardy.mp4 10.56 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/3. Fetching Categories through Jservice.mp4 12.82 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/4. Setting Categories through Redux.mp4 14.33 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/5. Connecting the App Component.mp4 14.99 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/6. Adding Routing and a Category Component.mp4 14.24 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/7. Linking to Categories and Styling.mp4 13.3 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/8. Picking a Category.mp4 21.5 MB
8. React App Three with APIs and Redux Jeopardy/9. Fetching Category Data.mp4 16.74 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/1. Setting Up Tests for Jeopardy.mp4 2.4 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/10. Test Coverage for Jeopardy.mp4 5.51 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/2. Testing the Jeopardy App Component.mp4 28.85 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/3. Testing the Clue Component's Structure Challenge.mp4 22.33 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/4. Simulating the Clue's Behavior.mp4 19.76 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/5. Unlinking Category Tests Part 1.mp4 22.64 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/6. Mocking APIs with Sinon Category Tests Part 2.mp4 29.59 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/7. Category Functionality Category Tests Part 3.mp4 19.71 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/8. Testing the Redux Actions in Jeopardy Challenge.mp4 10.66 MB
9. Testing Jeopardy with Jest, Enzyme, and Sinon/9. Testing the Redux Reducers in Jeopardy Challenge.mp4 14.67 MB