Henry Akins - Lazy and Dangerous from the Bottom
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e4be919d6575d9c06b96724cb857d1ebc1f9da01&dn=Henry Akins - Lazy and Dangerous from the Bottom
5.08 GB
2024-10-14 17:49
2025-3-4 21:35
Day 1/029 Dealing with your opponent when they push your hips to escape mount.mp4 85.29 MB
Day 1/030 Dealing with your opponent when they push your hips to escape moun.mp4 72.88 MB
Day 1/020 Proper posture from mount to start attacking.mp4 62.28 MB
Day 1/026 Transitioning to Side Mount and keeping the position tight.mp4 56.15 MB
Day 1/010 The variations of side mount when to pinch the knee and when to open QA.mp4 51.34 MB
Day 1/022 Initial defense for the cross collar choke from bottom mount.mp4 50.52 MB
Day 1/006 Transitioning to side mount and how to get under the leg when you do an elbow escape.mp4 48.9 MB
Day 1/034 Taking the back when they turn on their side to escape the mount.mp4 48.07 MB
Day 1/009 The variations of side mount when to pinch the knee and when to open.mp4 47.4 MB
Day 1/015 Developing sensitivity to your opponent s movement through connection by pinching your knees from the mount.mp4 46.49 MB
Day 1/019 Proper posture from mount to start attacking.mp4 44.9 MB
Day 1/023 Initial defense for the cross collar choke from bottom mount QA.mp4 44.13 MB
Day 1/002 Pinching your knees to hold from mount.mp4 42.88 MB
Day 1/031 Preventing your opponent from shrimping out of side mount.mp4 39.32 MB
Day 1/008 Taking a deeper look at the elbow escape and countering by transitioning to side mount.mp4 37.47 MB
Day 1/011 Countering the BridgeUpa by transitioning to side mount.mp4 34.89 MB
Day 1/003 Pinching your knees to hold from mount QA.mp4 34.2 MB
Day 1/004 Holding mount against bigger people or if you have shorter legs.mp4 33.27 MB
Day 1/032 How to bother the neck to get the hands up.mp4 29.99 MB
Day 1/025 Getting your opponent to lift his elbows off the ground to slide up to a higher mount.mp4 26.48 MB
Day 1/005 Holding mount against bigger people or if you have shorter legs QA.mp4 26.45 MB
Day 1/028 Setting up the positional training.mp4 25.86 MB
Day 1/021 Starting on the bottom of mount with punches.mp4 25.32 MB
Day 1/013 Preemptively transitioning to side mount when attacking the cross collar choke.mp4 25.32 MB
Day 1/035 Taking the back when they turn on their side to escape the mount QA .mp4 23.17 MB
Day 1/017 Switching sides with the Side Mount Position.mp4 23.03 MB
Day 1/024 Transitioning to a higher mount.mp4 22.16 MB
Day 1/016 Mat Chat - The Importance of being in balance and not over-committed.mp4 21.11 MB
Day 1/012 Countering the Bridge Upa by transitioning to side mount QA.mp4 16.69 MB
Day 1/033 Turning on your side to escape the mount but not too far to expose your back.mp4 15.56 MB
Day 1/018 Switching sides with the Side Mount Position QA.mp4 15.32 MB
Day 1/001 Intro (1).mp4 14.71 MB
Day 1/027 Shoe Horn Getting the lapel under the chin when you go for the bow and arrow choke.mp4 14.13 MB
Day 1/014 Preemptively transitioning to side mount when attacking the cross collar choke QA.mp4 13.08 MB
Day 1/007 Mat Chat Understanding one position helps you understand the opposite position.mp4 9.41 MB
Day 2/015 Mastering the grip on the inverted armlock.mp4 102.78 MB
Day 2/031 Using a hip thrust from closed guard to create distance strike or go for submissions.mp4 92.91 MB
Day 2/018 More details on getting the grip and finishing the inverted armlock QA.mp4 89.88 MB
Day 2/016 Mastering the grip on the inverted armlock QA.mp4 85.51 MB
Day 2/008 Breaking posture when they bend their elbow.mp4 70.33 MB
Day 2/017 More details on getting the grip and finishing the inverted armlock.mp4 68.89 MB
Day 2/033 Outro - Finding and creating the opportunities to go for submissions.mp4 68.09 MB
Day 2/009 Breaking posture when they bend their elbow QA.mp4 66.45 MB
Day 2/022 Preventing getting stacked when you go for the armlock.mp4 61.82 MB
Day 2/004 Breaking the one arm lead grip to break posture.mp4 58.79 MB
Day 2/025 Transitioning to the shoulder lock Americana from the side when they escape the inverted armlock.mp4 58.74 MB
Day 2/019 Positioning the legs to stop the opponent from driving in to bend their elbow.mp4 40.22 MB
Day 2/003 Using the kick over sweep when your opponent tries to stand in your guard.mp4 39.1 MB
Day 2/029 Reviewing the details on the armbar from the guard.mp4 37.61 MB
Day 2/007 Directing the arm when you break the grip to set up attacks QA.mp4 34.12 MB
Day 2/010 Kicking over with the legs to break posture.mp4 32.13 MB
Day 2/026 Transitioning to the shoulder lock Americana from the side when they escape the inverted armlock QA.mp4 31.78 MB
Day 2/027 Belly Down Armlock.mp4 31.66 MB
Day 2/023 Preventing getting stacked when you go for the armlock QA.mp4 31.63 MB
Day 2/028 Belly Down Armlock QA.mp4 27.82 MB
Day 2/020 Transitioning to the armlock when the opponent turns their elbow to escape.mp4 26.07 MB
Day 2/012 Golden rule of breaking posture - using the legs and arms.mp4 25.37 MB
Day 2/011 Climbing the legs up the back and controlling the head to keep posture broken.mp4 24.87 MB
Day 2/005 Breaking the one arm lead grip to break posture QA.mp4 23.16 MB
Day 2/030 Mat Chat - The importance of perfecting the basics.mp4 22.82 MB
Day 2/006 Directing the arm when you break the grip to set up attacks.mp4 22.4 MB
Day 2/002 The two ways of pulling with your legs to break posture.mp4 21.48 MB
Day 2/024 Pulling your toes back to increase pressure when you clamp down for the armlock.mp4 20.35 MB
Day 2/021 Breaking the grip and guiding your opponent s wrist to your shoulder.mp4 19.13 MB
Day 2/001 Intro.mp4 14.56 MB
Day 2/013 Breaking grips with both arms higher up.mp4 12.85 MB
Day 2/014 Demo - Two ways of pulling with the legs.mp4 12.14 MB
Day 2/032 Using a hip thrust from closed guard to create distance strike or go for submissions QA.mp4 6.28 MB
Day 3/007 -Stopping your opponent from being able to center back up with you and flattening them out from closed guard QA.mp4 129.62 MB
Day 3/014 Understanding the importance of shrimping to create distance to set up the triangle.mp4 116.15 MB
Day 3/020 - Attacking with the Kimura from open guard QA.mp4 114.43 MB
Day 3/013 Setting up the triangle and arm bar after countering a stack pass.mp4 83.25 MB
Day 3/003 More details on hip and shoulder movement to get to your side and controlling your opponent s posture.mp4 82.84 MB
Day 3/002 Stretching your leg against your opponent to get to your side from closed guard.mp4 78.04 MB
Day 3/016 - Setting up the triangle from double-under stack pass.mp4 73.08 MB
Day 3/021 - Snatching the arm and going for the belly down armlock from open guard (1).mp4 72.75 MB
Day 3/011 Going for the triangle when you have shorter legs.mp4 70.82 MB
Day 3/018 More details on doing and countering the stack pass.mp4 66.8 MB
Day 3/015 Understanding the importance of shrimping to create distance to set up the triangle QA.mp4 63.69 MB
Day 3/023 - Open guard attacks review and dealing with the leg weave (2).mp4 60.27 MB
Day 3/019 Attacking with the Kimura from open guard.mp4 57.18 MB
Day 3/006 - Stopping your opponent from being able to center back up with you and flattening them out from closed guard.mp4 50.59 MB
Day 3/009 Knowing when to go for the arm bar vs the triangle from closed guard.mp4 47.42 MB
Day 3/004 More details on hip and shoulder movement to get to your side and controlling your opponent s posture QA.mp4 44.2 MB
Day 3/012 Details to getting the elbow across the body to finish the triangle.mp4 43.38 MB
Day 3/017 Setting up the triangle from double-under stack pass QA.mp4 39.74 MB
Day 3/001 How to use the over hook on your opponents arm from closed guard to help control posture.mp4 33.85 MB
Day 3/005 - Mat Chat - Making sure Jiu-Jitsu works for fighting.mp4 18.73 MB
Day 3/010 Knowing when to go for the arm bar vs the triangle from closed guard QA.mp4 11.21 MB
Day 3/022 - Snatching the arm and going for the belly down armlock from open guard QA.mp4 8.88 MB
Day 4/003 Flow rolling live footage.mp4 167.04 MB
Day 4/012 QA Bridging when they are hooking the legs.mp4 96.8 MB
Day 4/009 LIVE positional training from mount with coaching.mp4 96.68 MB
Day 4/010 LIVE positional training from mount maintaining and escaping with coaching.mp4 86.37 MB
Day 4/001 Intro - Using Positional training and flow rolling to improve.mp4 75.2 MB
Day 4/006 LIVE positional training from mount .mp4 72.89 MB
Day 4/016 LIVE positional training from closed guard.mp4 64.93 MB
Day 4/017 Not allowing your opponent to start with their grips.mp4 61.55 MB
Day 4/020 LIVE positional training from the closed guard.mp4 60.53 MB
Day 4/014 QA Countering quarter guard.mp4 58.38 MB
Day 4/022 QA Clearing the elbows when they post to keep posture.mp4 50.07 MB
Day 4/007 QA What if your opponent gets his hand under your leg.mp4 48.03 MB
Day 4/018 Option for opening the guard from your knees when you can t sit on your heels.mp4 42.62 MB
Day 4/013 QA Stabilizing and controlling from the mount.mp4 41.36 MB
Day 4/011 QA Dealing with the kipping escape when they turn to their side - identifying problems.mp4 38.67 MB
Day 4/021 QA Keeping posture inside the guard .mp4 38.08 MB
Day 4/004 Mat chat for flow rolling.mp4 28.43 MB
Day 4/005 Setting up the positional training from the mount.mp4 27.95 MB
Day 4/002 Setting up the flow rolling.mp4 24.37 MB
Day 4/008 Setting up the positional training - maintaining mount with submissions.mp4 20.94 MB
Day 4/015 Setting up the positional training from closed guard.mp4 12.98 MB
Day 4/019 Setting up the positional training from closed guard .mp4 11.97 MB
Day 4/023 QA Stopping your opponent from opening your guard when they create pressure.mp4 0 字节